Balancing It All: A Simple App & Read

1:26 PM

So I was trying to be such a good blogger and always blog on Thursday.... but then life happens and here I sit on a Tuesday and am giving you the latest addition. Balance is a life skill I am still refining.

My husband is currently the youth pastor as our church in the lovely Dardenne Prairie, MO and he is a great resource since starting his job in June for giving us more resources as volunteer small group leaders. I am posting today two that have really helped in leading a small group of students or just working with teaching teenagers about the Bible.

Lead Small App

This app is SO easy to use. It gives you some great training (including short videos for those of you who are not avid readers like me) along with so many other features if you just click around.

The BEST feature hands down is where you can store all of the information of your small groups. This not only holds that basic contact info but also things like there favorite candy and birthday so you can build those relationships with them by sending those special things on their birthday or maybe even when its just a rough week. It also has a place for their photo so when I blank on a face with a name (happens all the time), I can just pull it up.

I LOVE IT and I don't have to keep track of getting the info from the youth pastor (even though we live in the same house-lol) or keep track of all of the paperwork. It is always at my hands.

The 7 Best Practices for Teaching Teenagers the Bible

Let's be honest... I am not a reader. I read to go to sleep when I am not tired. This is a easy and practical read (my favorite kind). I have been taking about 1-2 chapters while my daughter is in dance class and I am over half way through. And the best part.... I am actually using what I am reading right away. I teach Tide U (Sunday School) for the HS students on Sunday mornings. I changed my whole approach on how I was teaching them this past Sunday morning. I am ever learning and changing but this book really helped me see a new perspective.

I am actually scheduling a meeting with my own husband next week to see his vision about how the newly added and amped up girls ministry can fit into his vision for our youth ministry.

Stay tuned for more of the journey.....

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